The children's disco/parties specialist.

Front-end website
De kinderdisco kinderfeestjes specialist preview>

Project description.

Blijwin organizes over 250 children’s discos every year. They do this throughout the Netherlands and Belgium; that makes Blijwin the children’s disco expert. Blijwin has had a completely new design created. With programming knowledge, Blijwin managed and developed his own website on his chosen CMS and was looking for someone who could convert the new design into pure HTML / CSS that he could then integrate into his CMS. Blijwin eventually came to me and I was allowed to convert the design on assignment.

The design had been accurately converted from Sketch to a completely custom front end with SVGs and icon fonts where possible for their crisp, clean look and fast loading speed. Some fixed pages have been converted and built which the client can use to fill the website. The pages were built using task runners with Gulp.JS so that all SASS and JavaScript code could be compiled into minified and combined scripts. In addition, the scripts ensure that images are lazyloaded. This ensures that a minimum number of requests is maintained, which greatly benefits the speed. The website has also been made fully responsive and works on every device and also looks neat.

De kinderdisco kinderfeestjes specialist case image>

Development tools.